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The Separatists of Saporia is a cult-like group whose main goal is to destroy Corona and reestablish the Kingdom of Saporia as independent.


After the war between Corona and Saporia had ended in a romantic unity between its two leaders - and by extension, their lands - a small sect of Saporians felt betrayed by the merge, and swore revenge on Corona. Centuries later, this sect was mostly thought to have died out, though there were rumors that the descendants of the these Saporians still lived and waited for the opportunity to fulfill their ancestors' wishes and strike back at Corona. These rumors were confirmed true in Under Raps, when the adopted daughter of Corona's Captain of the Guard, Cassandra, lured one of the separatists into the kingdom and apprehended him after he made a failed attempt to steal King Herz Der Soone's journal, which contains Coronian secrets.





  • Members of the sect wear a necklace with an emblem representing their cult.



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ve Characters
Main characters RapunzelEugene FitzherbertCassandraPascalMaximus
Other characters King FredericQueen AriannaVarianQuirinAngry and RedLance StrongbowFidellaNigelHook FootUlfXavierWeaselRuddigerMontyMrs. SugarbyOld Lady CrowleyOwlRuthless RuthThe Stabbington BrothersFriedborgFeldsparFour SistersAttilaAxelLady CaineDwayneWillowCaptain of the GuardsAndrewUumlautShortyPete and StanFernanda PizazzoSeparatists of SaporiaThe CollectorThe BaronStalyanCaptain QuaidVexKing Herz Der SonneKing TrevorKing EdmundGeneral ShampanierSeraphina