"Plus Est En Vous" is the expanded three-part movie series finale of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. It premiered on March 1, 2020 and it is collectively the nineteenth, the twentieth, and the twenty-first episodes of season three as well as it is the sixty-sixth, the sixty-seventh and the sixty-eighth episodes of the series overall.
Princess Rapunzel and her friends must take Corona back from Cassandra, and finally confront the evil shapeshitfing sorceress Zhan Tiri once and for all.
Princess Rapunzel rallies all of Corona together to take back the kingdom. Varian learns that Lord Demanitus made a machine that trapped Zhan Tiri in another world and Rapunzel, Eugene, Pascal, Varian, Lance, Angry and Red and Maximus venture to Demanitus' tomb to get the plans. After a mishap with Lance fiddling with a mind-switcher device Demanitus had inside the tomb, they obtain the blueprints and realize that they have to build the machine close to Zhan Tiri and the Coronans proceed to storm the castle. A reluctant Princess Rapunzel faces off with Cassandra, but with the impending eclipse, Rapunzel's strength begin to wane, but she stands guard and the Corona crest on her dress transforms into the heavenly bright yellow Sunstone, which draws in even more strength from her blonde hair.
Meanwhile, the Coronans successfully build the machine, but Hamuel accidentally activates it, sucking everyone, except Eugene and King Edmund in. Prior to the fight, Cassandra briefly imprisons Zhan Tiri in a moon rock cage, who escapes after a flashback of her banishment to the Lost Realm by Lord Demanitus himself.
Meanwhile, the Brotherhood, still affected by the Mind Trap, attack the two and they race to Cassandra's tower to destroy it: however, Edmund is revealed to also be affected and Maximus rescues Eugene. Eugene gets through to Edmund who willingly destroys the Mind Trap. They return and rescue the Coronans from the Lost Realm.
The duo eventually ended up at Rapunzel's room, when the eclipse became in full effect. As Cassandra manages to grab the Sundrop from Princess Rapunzel, whose vast heavenly power suddenly transferred to a yellow opal on her chest. This act turns Rapunzel's hair from blonde to its natural dark brown but it somehow retains its seventy-feet length. Zhan Tiri suddenly appears and snatches the Moonstone Opal from Cassandra. The ancient evil sorceress then grabs and clutches the heavenly Sunstone and Moonstone, rendering both Princess Rapunzel and Cassandra powerless and transforming herself into a giant demon (the debris destroying the machine in the process). She then traps Princess Rapunzel and Cassandra in a golden rock prison and leaves to destroy Corona.
Imprisoned, with Princess Rapunzel, Cass breaks down sobbing, overcome with genuine guilt over her actions, begging Rapunzel to hate her. Instead, Rapunzel embraces Cass. Back outside while the Coronans battle Zhan Tiri(who has fatally weakened and drained them all dry of their very life-force them upon casting half of the decay spell as opposed to unleashing such deathly and destructive power at its full strength), Rapunzel and Cassandra make up. Inspired by the phrase in Princess Rapunzel's diary "Plus Est En Vous", Cassandra takes the broken piece of the moon stone from their earlier fight and gives it to Princess Rapunzel, giving her just enough energy. They battle Zhan Tiri and force her to mesh the stones together at the cost of Rapunzel cutting her blonde hair short again and turning to its natural brown color, which slams Zhan Tiri's wrists together, sending the wicked demonic sorceress into nothingness and the black moon rocks and Cassandra's moon-rock tower all disappear.
Just as Rapunzel is ready to celebrate her victory over Zhan Tiri, she finds Cassandra lying on the ground, seemingly having perished in the explosion. Refusing to leave her fully-redeemed friend to die, Rapunzel grabs onto the merged Sundrop/Moonstone opal and chants the Healing Incantation one last time, which revives Cassandra and everyone else who has been weakened by the demon, before sending it back into the cosmos. Pascal sticks his tongue in Rapunzel's ear to wake her up. With peace restored to Corona, Eugene, Rapunzel, and Cassandra share a group hug.
Cassandra decides to leave Corona to look for her own destiny and bids farewell to Rapunzel, who finally accepts her title of queen. Eugene becomes the head of the royal guards with Maximus at his side. Varian becomes the royal engineer and creates a heated water system, making Corona the first in the seven kingdoms to have hot running water. Edmund and the Brotherhood return to The Dark Kingdom to rebuild it and Lance decides to adopt Angry and Red as everyone enjoys their happily ever after. Later that evening, in their favorite gondola, Eugene finally proposes to Queen Rapunzel, who happily accepts.
Final Appearances of Characters
- Cassandra
- Zhan Tiri
- Princess Rapunzel
- Eugene
- King Frederic
- Queen Arianna
- Varian
- Quirin
- Ruddiger
- Lance Strongbow
- Kiera and Catalina
- Pascal
- Maximus
- Owl
- Fidella
- Old Lady Crowley
- Shorty
- Big Nose
- Vladimir
- Attila
- Ulf
- Milton
- Monty
- Feldspar
- King Edmund
- Hamuel
- Domino
- Adira
- Hector
- Pete
- Stan
- Conli
- Unidentified Guard 1 (Corona Castle)
- Unidentified Guard 2 (Corona Castle)
- Lord Demanitus (mentioned and flashback)
- Andrew (Cameo)
- Kai (Cameo)
- Juniper (Cameo)
- Maisie (Cameo)
- Clementine (Cameo)
- Wreck Marauder
- Malice Marauder (Cameo)
- Ferry Captain (Cameo)
- Fernanda Pizazzo (Cameo)
- Doctor St. Croix (Cameo)
- Dale (cameo)
- The Giovanni (cameo)
- Stalyan (cameo)
- Brock Thunderstrike (Cameo)
- Willow (mentioned & cameo)
- King Trevor (Cameo)
- Trevor Jr. (Cameo)
- Lucille (Cameo)
- Stabbington Brothers (Cameo)
- Hook Hand (Cameo)
- Hook Foot (Cameo)
- Seraphina (Cameo)
- Lorbs (Cameo)
- Griffin of Pittsford (cameo)
- Vodniks (cameo)
- Calliope (Cameo)
- The Keeper (Cameo)
- Lady Caine (Cameo)
- Pocket (Cameo)
- Otter (Cameo)
- Dwayne (Cameo)
- Bandana (Cameo)
- Skull Ruffian (Cameo)
- Axel (cameo)
- Minstrel (Cameo)
- Marriage Officiant (cameo)
- Helmut (cameo)
- Madam Canardist (Cameo)
- Vigor (Flashback and cameo)
- Captain Quaid (Cameo)
- Vex (Cameo)
- Nigel (Cameo)
- Friedborg (Cameo)
- Willow (cameo)
- Faith (cameo)
- Ethel (cameo)
- Mary (cameo)
- Constable Lumph (Cameo)
- Virtuous St. Goodberry (Cameo)
- Orange-Haired Sisters (Cameo)
- Seth (cameo)
- Young Boys (Cameo)
- Gregorio (Cameo)
Final Appearances and Uses of Elements
- Through It All
- I'd Give Anything
- Buddy (briefly)
- Love Story
- Life After Happily Ever After (reprise)
- The Snuggly Duckling
- Corona Castle
- Corona Village
- Demanitus Chamber
- Demanitus' Tomb (only appearance)
- The Throne Room
- Cassandra's Stronghold
- The Lost Realm (only appearance)
- The Dark Kingdom
- Hope Incantation (nonverbal)
- Black-Rock Incantation (nonverbal)
- Decay Incantation (incomplete)
- Healing Incantation
Objects of Heavenly Power
- Magic Blonde Hair
- Cassandra's Armor
- Moonstone Opal
- Moonstone Fragment
- Shadow Blade
- Black Moon Rocks
- Mind-Trap Stone
- The Ultimate Power of the Heavens (only appearance and use)
- Zhan Tiri: "Looking for something, Dear? That old fool, Demanitus, would be proud at how far you've come, Princess."
- Princess Rapunzel: "To be fair, we are talking about the same guy who outsmarted you and trapped in oblivion for over two millennia."
- Zhan Tiri: "Joke all you want, but the eclipse is coming."
- Princess Rapunzel (beginning to feel quite weak): "What? What's happening?"
- Zhan Tiri: "Come, Child. Give up while you still can."
- Princess Rapunzel: "There's something you should know about me: I'm not big on giving up!!"
- Zhan Tiri: "Ah. The Sundrop."
- Zhan Tiri: "The eclipse has already begun to weaken the Sundrop's strength. The time has come for you to face the Princess and take what is rightfully yours."
- Cassandra: "Yes. It's time. There's just one thing. It's not that I don't trust you. No, wait! That's exactly it."
- Zhan Tiri (to herself): "I been in far worse prisons."
(Flashback to thousands of years ago)
- Lord Demanitus: "Zhan Tiri, this is your last warning: Give up this foolish quest for power!!"
- Zhan Tiri: "This quest for the Sundrop and Moonstone was both of ours!!"
- Lord Demanitus: "It was until you made it about something darker!! You did it for gaining power for yourself!! You turned your back on what was right."
- Zhan Tiri: "And you turned your back on me!! As long as I live, I will not stop until I have that power!!
- Lord Demantius: "I know."
- Zhan Tiri: "This is not over!!! I will have that power!!! And when I do, I will destroy your beloved Corona!! THIS I PROMISE!!!"
- Lord Demantius: "I had no choice, Vigor. I had to send her to...the Lost Realm."
- Cassandra: "This fight is over, Princess."
- Princess Rapunzel: "What are we doing here?'
- Cassandra: "I want the entire realm to see me get that Sundrop."
- Princess Rapunzel: "And then what, Cassandra? What will be left for you, huh? Who will be left for you? Have you thought about that?"
- Cassandra: "'Who will me left for me'? Let me tell you something- This whole ordeal has taught me I don't need anyone."
- Princess Rapunzel: "Please. I know you don't believe that."
- Cassandra: "You don't get to tell me what I believe!!"
- Cassandra: "Time's up, Raps. It's the eclipse. When the moon blocks out the light of the sun. So tell me- How does it feel to be in the shadow?"
- Cassandra: "I helped you find your power within. It's only right I take it out."
- Princess Rapunzel: "Cassandra, no."
- Cassandra: "Sorry, Rapunzel. (Zhan Tiri jumps from behind Cassandra and grabs her moonstone) How did you-"
- Zhan Tiri: "Finally. They're mine. I wanted to thank both of you for taking care of what rightfully belongs to me. Finally!! They are MINE!!"
- Zhan Tiri: "Let the age of Zhan Tiri begin!!"
- Eugene: "Okay. If that thing is that little girl, then she has hit a really unfortunate growth spurt."
- Zhan Tiri: "At last, the power is mine. I dreamt of wielding the Sundrop and Moonstone for centuries!!"
- Princess Rapunzel: "I am all about people living out their dreams!! But today, no so much!!"
- Zhan Tiri: "(to Rapunzel) You may have been a worthy adversary once, Princess. But now you are nothing. (to Cassandra) And you- You lost before you even began, Girl. Just like your mother: Felled by your own ego."
- Princess Rapunzel: "Leave her alone!!"
- Zhan Tiri: "I'm sorry I gave you the impression we were having a conversation."
- Princess Rapunzel: "Cass!!"
- Zhan Tiri: "Now. Time to destroy Corona."
- Varian: "Hey, Zhan Tiri, catch!!"
- Zhan Tiri: "You're only delaying your demise."
- Eugene: "You could have taken the form of a chimp, like your buddy, but noooo!! You just had to be whatever that is!!"
- Cassandra; "Our first fight at my black-rock tower!!"
- Princess Rapunzel: "Cass, don't know what this is!? It's power! We can use it to fight back against Zhan Tiri."
- Cassandra: "No. You can use it to fight Zhan Tiri."
- Princess Rapunzel: "Uh, this doesn't look like it's gonna last long."
- Cassandra: "Well, then you better get a move on, Blondie."
- Princess Rapunzel: "You can't leave. I won't let you. I'm bringing you back."
- Eugene: "Rapunzel, don't. The power- It's too much."
- Princess Rapunzel: "I'm willing to take that chance. We did not go so far to get our friend back, only to lose her now."
- Flower gleam and glow
- Let your power shine
- Make the clock reverse
- Bring back what once was mine
- Heal what has been hurt
- Change the Fates' design
- Save what has been lost
- Bring back what once was mine
- Cassandra (just having returned to life): "Raps?"
(Princess Rapunzel repeats the last two lines of the Sunstone/flower's spell of healing and life to further increase its mighty restorative abilities)
- What once was mine
- What once was mine
- Cassandra: "Look after them, Pascal. Something tells me they're gonna need it."
- Princess Rapunzel: "Do you have any idea where you're headed?"
- Cassandra: "Someone very wise told me there is more in me. And it's telling me to go out there and find out, to find my own destiny."
- Princess Rapunzel: "I always thought your place was here, with me, in Corona. But, as much as I hate to let you go, I know you're right."
- Cassandra: "I...I love you, Raps."
- Princess Rapunzel: "I love you. Cass."
- Cassandra: "Speaking of destinies. What are you waiting for?"
- Morals:
- After loss comes second chances: whether it be a chance to take back what you lost, or build something new out of what you have left.
- You can't wait around for life to happen, you have to go out there and start your own adventure.
- Kiera's previous outfit and hairstyle and Catalina's previous outfit and hairstyle are briefly shown during the reprise of the song Life After Happily Ever After from Tangled: Before Ever After.
- It is unknown if Cassandra's burned arm is healed at the end of the special.
- Pascal sticks his tongue in Rapunzel's ear for the first time to wake her up after she saved everyone.
- In a recurring error that began in Tangled: Before Ever After, this episode's title "Plus Est En Vous" is meant to mean "there is more in you" in French. However, the actual way to say this sentence in French is "il y a plus en vous".
- When Rapunzel and her mom are on the hills, Rapunzel is shown to be wearing her original outfit while she and her mom are racing back to The Snuggly Duckling.
- Cassandra said Rapunzel had Varian imprison her in amber but it was actually Zhan Tiri herself that pushed the button.
- Varian's backpack only appears on his back when he is walking to the Demanitus' Tomb alongside Rapunzel, Eugene, Kiera, Catalina, Lance and Maximus.
- When the song Through It All ends, Quirin is not showing to be wearing his gloves.
- Varian's backpack disappears when he is at the Snuggly Duckling, when he, Quirin and Ruddiger at their home working on the heated water system.