"Painter's Block" is the seventeenth episode in the first season of the Disney Channel animated series, Tangled: The Series. It first aired on November 25, 2017 to 0.99 million viewers.[1]
In the aftermath of the blizzard, Rapunzel's confidence is shaken. In an effort to get her mojo back, she rededicates herself to painting and enrolls herself in an art class.[2]
My hair grew back...well not completely! This article is under construction. Things may change as it is being finalized. Please help the Tangled Wiki by making high quality edits to this article. |
To be added.
- Mandy Moore as Rapunzel
- Zachary Levi as Flynn Rider/Feldspar
- Eden Espinosa as Cassandra
- James Monroe Iglehart as Lance Strongbow
- Clancy Brown as King Frederic
- M. C. Gainey as Captain of the Guards
- Jeff Ross as Hook Foot
- Steven Blum as Attila
- Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Xavier
- Pat Carroll as Old Lady Crowley
- Ellen Greene as Mrs. Sugarby
- This is Rapunzel's third time wearing shoes, following Tangled: Before Ever After and "Rapunzel's Enemy"
This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the The Disney Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors). As with the Tangled: The Series Wiki, the text of The Disney Wiki is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. |
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For a full transcript of "Painter's Block", click here. |